Wednesday, July 11, 2012


So i'm done with all of my testing for surgery, and everything came back great! all i have to do is take some vitamins! besides my pcos i'm 100% healthy! which is great news! i met with the surgeon a few days ago, and he was wonderful! he explained everything to us (bart came with me), showed us pictures, and answered all of our questions! barton starts schoool august 23rd, and i want to be recovered before then! so my surgery is supposed to be the first week in august. just waiting for my referral from tricare, and than they'll put me on the schedule for sure! everyone keeps asking me if i am nervous.. nope! well, not yet. i know i will be the morning of surgery! bart is amazing. i mean, ABSOLUTELY amazing! he's been so supportive of me through this and i KNOW that he will continue to do so! the Lord really blessed me when he gave me bart! i couldn't of asked for a better husband!